Health Quotes


Although most researchers agree that further research is needed, recent studies propose the following possible health benefits of soy:

– Soy protein may help reduce insulin resistance, kidney damage, and fatty liver in people with diabetes, according to a study in rats.

– A new study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong indicated that soy protein containing isoflavones (phytoestrogens) significantly reduced overall cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol, and raised HDL or “good” cholesterol, especially in men.

– A study in women reported that regular consumption of soy foods was associated with healthy cholesterol levels.

– The component thought to be at least partly responsible for soy’s health benefits is a type of phytoestrogen called isoflavones. Isoflavones also appear to work with certain proteins in soy to protect against cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

– Results from a new study in China suggest that eating more soybean protein may help prevent and treat hypertension.

– A study in which 12 postmenopausal women drank 36 ounces of soy milk daily for 16 weeks noted an anti-inflammatory effect of the isoflavones found in soy. According to the study authors, this may be important in the prevention of bone loss and cancer, among other things.